Friday, October 12, 2018

1st Quarter Reflection

Last year I was just a little freshman still learning about Thomas Nelson and how it functioned. By joining SOC I have learned how we are connected to the community so well and how we celebrate each other and connect with students during RUSH. I have also learned how much I can connect with others and be involved in different ignites. This year I helped plan and set up our first ever Yellow Out ignite, which was put together by all first year SOC members. The Yellow Out ignite was a igbite that lasted all week long and involved our organizations with childhood cancer awareness month. During Yellow Out I worked the donation tabel at the football game along with the following tuesday at the soccer game, overall we raised $500.96 which was a outstanding ammount of money being donated to find a cure for childhood cancer. Some things that I have accomplished for our organization is the escape room that we all do that will help us connect and bring our team closer together like a family.

Some goals I have for the 2nd quarter would be how can we keep our team connection together even after the season. Also in the 2nd quarter I need to prepare myself for the Track season and how we can connect our team together so we can have a family like connection with our track members aswell. Some ideas that I have to help get our students involved in our school would possibly be to have a month to have each club have their own morning ignite to share witht he school and allow them to share more about their club for those who may not have learned much during RUSH week. So far SOC has been a favorite class for me becasue each and every person always bring positive energy into the room and we all work together in order to complete task. SOC is place that gives me time to connect with our coach and time to think of ways to build SOC and continue our connection with the comunity.

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