Monday, October 30, 2017

10/25 update - REGION WEEK!

Hello TNHSXC family.  The nervous energy is bubbling over around here - it's REGION WEEK!!!  I'm super excited for our kids, and very appreciative of the the hard work that's gotten them to this point. 

Tomorrow, regular practice then Region Team dinner - we will run our normal practice then the kids will come up to my art room for a pasta dinner/meeting/goodie give away.  We should be wrapped up by 6:45. 

Friday, shakeout - one easy loop of the XC course, four strides, stretch and put our legs up.  Kids will be done by 4:45.  

Saturday, Region 2 Championships - Green County HS, Greensburg KY.  
At this point, I believe everyone has been to the Region course.  It's just over an hour away and the schedule below is on CENTRAL TIME. 

1:00pm all athletes arrive at Green County
1:30pm girls begin warm up 
1:45pm Coaches Meeting 
2:15pm Class AA Girls 
2:15 pm boys begin warm up behind start of girls race 
3:00pm Class AA Boys

The following athletes are registered as our 2017 Region Teams - 

Girls - 
Caroline Janes
Devan Garagnani
Jensen Garagnani
Nicole Williams
Tori Cecil
Kristyn Broell

Boys - 
Marcus Bowling
Lane Hoyes
Jake Humphrey
Clay Dones
Andrew Newton
Ethan Vance
Isaac Goff
Jackson Middleton
Carson Mouser
Ryan Beck

It's imperative that our kids are on time, have double and triple checked their duffels and have their uniforms.  I will go over cold weather gear and expectations with them in the coming days, but BE PREPARED!  It will likely be a rough weather day.  

I know that we have a couple of inhalers on the team.  I'm faxing Physicians to Children for Andrew Newton.  For Jake and Kristyn, I need you'all to handle getting the form to the right doctors to get them signed.  

There is lots of info attached.  Pay attention to the parking areas, and note there is a $5 per car parking fee.  All of the registration paperwork is taken care of, just attached everything for you to see if you were interested.  

Let's make sure our kids are well fed and well rested going into the weekend.  

- Matt

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